Vaccine Receipt Links

BIS Communication - August 30, 2021

With so many organizations and locations requiring proof of vaccination, the importance of managing the government vaccine receipt is paramount.  To assist we have provided each provincial government’s link, enabling an individual to download their Ministry of Health vaccine receipt. As an example, for Ontario, just click on the Ontario link below and accept the terms on the government’s site’s first page, provide your Health card details, along with your date of birth and postal code, and you can obtain a downloaded copy of your vaccine receipts. 


Click on the province name below to be directed to the online locations we found for each province across Canada:


Ontario : Ontario COVID-19 vaccination service (

Alberta: myhealthrecords (

BC: Health Gateway (

Manitoba: Province of Manitoba | For Residents (

New Brunswick: MyHealthNB - COVID-19 Results (

Nfld: COVID-19 Vaccine Record (

Northwest Territories: COVID-19 Vaccination Record Requests | Health and Social Services Authority (

Nova Scotia: Your COVID-19 Immunization Record (

Nunavut: COVID-19 Vaccination | Government of Nunavut

PEI: My COVID-19 Immunization Record (

Quebec: Preuve de vaccination (

Saskatchewan: MySaskHealthRecord (

Yukon: CANImmunize | A digital vaccination record for Canadians


Workplace vaccination policy


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