We’re passionate about helping our clients manage their benefits journey and improve their bottom line.
Meet Steve
As a business owner since 1997, Steve’s entrepreneurial mindset -honed through Strategic Coach - has helped him cut through the noise for every client he serves. This focus and knowledge give his clients the confidence that his partnership will guide them to achieving their company’s benefit goals. As a proud Mohawk College grad, honoured with the “Alumni of Distinction Award,” Steve and his business partner have paved the way for students by funding scholarships and bursaries in a variety of programs and disciplines. Through the DeGroote School of Business (Board Governance Certificate), Steve’s clients in the not-for-profit sector know that he fully understands their unique needs. He is dedicated to his clients and to the community in which he lives and works. This is most evident in his current volunteer role as Honorary Treasurer for Renos For Heroes, which assists veterans in living better lives through home renovation. While a lover of jazz music and all things Tiger Cats, he isn’t afraid to take the lead, as evident in his past chair of the Tiger Town Council (group of 100 member ambassadors) and Mosca’s Meanies (council executive). Steve is the kind of partner who knows how to get things done, knows who to contact, knows how to manoeuvre any issue, and is the best person to have in your corner both on and off the benefits field.
Meet Rosemary
With more than 30 years’ experience, Rosemary has honed her skills by gaining business experience working for leading insurance companies. Her 10-year work experience with a leading international carrier has provided her with unique knowledge and insight. Her involvement in contract and corporate policy places her among the few skilled in group insurance and disability. Working with clients throughout the country, she is well aware of the needs of the employer market in Canada and its relevance to the American market, having worked so closely with US-affiliated offices of many large international employers. Never hesitant to go the extra mile, Rosemary has proven to her clients that they can count on her expertise and guidance.
Involvement in the community is a core philosophy at BIS. Rosemary’s volunteer work as a board member, chair and active participant in many organizations was recognized in 2012 when she was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Medal.
Up-to-date on new and creative methods, and redefining Group Benefits and Retirement Programs, Rosemary brings a fresh approach to meeting and exceeding clients’ goals and expectations.
Meet Brooklynn
Bringing new focus to the benefits area, Brooklynn’s experience working with a major insurance carrier over the past 5 years, gives her the advantage of knowing how to get the very best for clients. Licensed through the FSRA as an agent, and working as a consultant, she has the skill and drive to go the extra mile while achieving the results her clients need. Her competitive nature was cultivated in sports and develped her sharp mind, and an easy-going manner. Brooklynn makes clients feel they are in the hands of a skilled professional. We are thrilled to have Brooklynn working with the BIS team.
Meet Nina
Finding solutions through research is Nina’s specialty. Our newest Service Representative, Nina is a licensed broker. She is dedicated to the clients she serves and is a delight to work with. Clients know they can count on Nina to get to the bottom of any service inquiry or explore any nuance. Nina’s background began in the legal profession. Through this exposure, she developed her eye for detail, which benefits not only the entire team at BIS but her clients as well. We are very proud to have Nina as our Service Representative.
We can help.
HR Support
Benefits impact the human resources team in every business and in today’s ever-changing world, the importance of understanding and supporting these commingled issues is growing. Our experienced BIS team protects your full HR interests.
We are a team of seasoned brokers with experience at the union table. We can ensure the agreements you enter into are insurance carrier supported. This can have a dramatic affect both financially and with your union relationship.
BIS has experience sitting on not-for-profit boards. This experience gives us a better understanding of the complicated needs of this sector. Our knowledge and our access to specialized offerings mean we can provide products and solutions few can.